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Monday, September 12, 2011

hey, wasup, F--- the world.

So a lot has happened since my last post on the eighteenth of July, I went to Seattle, I started ninth grade, I actually picked up at Hale again; but whatever I digress....   The true purpose of this blog post was for me to share my real world experience on something that a lot of teens go through; peer pressure.

So today I had to walk home from school and I figured the most direct route would be through the local woods, Wintergreen woods (which is actually 95% percent oak) so I'm walking and I get about twenty yards from the wood's entrance, in the woods there was his group of upper class men smoking they pretty much were un-avoidable unless I wanted to walk through the  woods and whatever lurks under the leaves.  So I stayed on path listening to the Beatles I am the Walrus and one of the guys said to me "hey, you wanna mess around" his remark didn't really register at first so I took my right earbud out and said "huh, watcha say?" his reply left a shiver in my spine for the rest of my walk home, what had hit me so hard was when he reiterated himself and said "do you wanna mess around with pot?".  I stopped and thought for  moment I did just have a shitty phone call with my dad, I am stressed out between hale, my family, school but then the thought occurred to me what would my family think? What kind of hypocritical parent would I be preaching to my child not to take peer pressure or do drugs when I could have? in the end I just told them "Nah you guys, that shits whack, trust me" by doing this I come across as knowing what I'm talking about, and it sounds like I had gotten into trouble with is before, I left a lot unsaid.  and thats what you really have to do just keep your head down and be vague enough but at the same time profound enough to make a statement and leave the masses guessing.

Thats my story for today, I promise to update at some point...

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