Well with the long weekend coming to a close, I'd figured I should upload something describing my weekend...
First I had a half a school day on Friday but I left even earlier I left at 11:45 for an orthodontist appointment hence the Facebook profile change...I'll upload it later. On Saturday I marched the Webb Deane Stevens museum along in our local parade, and the rest of the day I spent at a historical reenactment event with the fifth Connecticut regiment, continental line. I got to drum a slow march around from the museum parking lot to the old first church Where the fifth had a small ceremony for their new unit flag, And back to the museum to take down the American flag. Sunday I helped out in the process of painting the cement on our house. And I slept part of the day, As for today I downloaded Angry Birds from Google chrome And Then I went shopping for summer and I went to the book store, where I got Kathy Griffin's Official book club selection memoir. And now I'm blogging to you.....All in All it was a good weekend. The best part of all is June starts this week which means school is almost over!!!!!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Whats up to my cup?
I've had it with glee's new directions nameing their original songs after random objects. My headband, My cup, Trouty mouth. Its sickening thats what it is. I can't wait to get a mac, I've had it with viruses and hell in a computer. HP IS CRAP! ALL MODELS, SOFTWARE, AND EVERYTHING ELSE!!!!!!! Mac's where its at and when I get one I will die inside from happieness. On to a new subject In my quest to buy a sixteen hundred dollar computer, I think I'm going to Moneitize this blog, but I need you to help me spread this blog, spread it to friends, family, local buisnesses, ect. I'm going to try but I can't do it alone.....SPREAD IT!

thanks to http://siliconvalley.sla.org/archives/569 for the picture :)
thanks to http://siliconvalley.sla.org/archives/569 for the picture :)
19 of the worst pick up lines you have ever heard, guaranteed
1) Why don't we go back to my place and find my dragon balls?
2) Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk back again?
3) If I was an enzyme, I'd be helicase so I could unzip your jeans
4) My love for you is like diarrhea. I just can't hold it in
5) Hi, I'm new to town, can I get directions to your place
6) If I could rearange the alphabet I'd sure put U and I together
7) I'm a vampire
8) DAMN! someone farted, let get outta here
9) Gurl, your a 9.99999... but you'd be a perfect 10 if your with me
10) Honey you just moved to the top of my "to do" list
11) You come on strong, like garlic milkshakes
12) If you were words on a page you'd be what they call a fine print
13) Hey baby, I'm a star, wanna taste my milky way?
14) My eyes seem small but my d*ck is huge
15) Are you from Tenessee because you're the only ten I see
16) Is this the matrix, cause I think you're the one
17) DAMN GURL! You hot! You must be the cause of global warming
18) Are you Jamaican? cause your Jamaican me crazy
19) I'm not feeling my self today, can I feel you?
These and many more have been a viral hit for years, but my question is what are the good pickups? the ones that don't make you crap yourself laughing? are there any? My point exactly, people just don't respond the same way to relationships, they aren't treated for what they are, like the human race the pickup line has evolved so much and become so over rated that no one cares anymore. On this topic, does anybody know good pickups? I mean good like the 19 above, like funny ones? by the wathese came from a video on youtube by Mickeii, funny as hell <3's to you. oh and before I forget again,
Double dream hands: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm7yAWpX1Mc
2) Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk back again?
3) If I was an enzyme, I'd be helicase so I could unzip your jeans
4) My love for you is like diarrhea. I just can't hold it in
5) Hi, I'm new to town, can I get directions to your place
6) If I could rearange the alphabet I'd sure put U and I together
7) I'm a vampire
8) DAMN! someone farted, let get outta here
9) Gurl, your a 9.99999... but you'd be a perfect 10 if your with me
10) Honey you just moved to the top of my "to do" list
11) You come on strong, like garlic milkshakes
12) If you were words on a page you'd be what they call a fine print
13) Hey baby, I'm a star, wanna taste my milky way?
14) My eyes seem small but my d*ck is huge
15) Are you from Tenessee because you're the only ten I see
16) Is this the matrix, cause I think you're the one
17) DAMN GURL! You hot! You must be the cause of global warming
18) Are you Jamaican? cause your Jamaican me crazy
19) I'm not feeling my self today, can I feel you?
These and many more have been a viral hit for years, but my question is what are the good pickups? the ones that don't make you crap yourself laughing? are there any? My point exactly, people just don't respond the same way to relationships, they aren't treated for what they are, like the human race the pickup line has evolved so much and become so over rated that no one cares anymore. On this topic, does anybody know good pickups? I mean good like the 19 above, like funny ones? by the wathese came from a video on youtube by Mickeii, funny as hell <3's to you. oh and before I forget again,
Double dream hands: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm7yAWpX1Mc
Monday, May 23, 2011
I swear to god if you've never seen this video......you're shameful, it is probably the wierdest video you will ever see. So check it out, in other news I have found and tracked the apple i-phone theme song and I listen to it non-stop the song it really called perfect timing by orba squara and its easy, and makes me think of apple. Speaking of apple I have plans to earn money so I can leave behind windows permenantly. the notebook I intend to buy in a 13" MacBook air the 2011 version.....at widest .68" at its thinnest its an astonishing .11" the damn thing only weighs 2.9 pounds!!! as little as it is the price is pretty large **cough, cough** $1600 **cough, cough** what? I didn't say anything...... But I have a plan that will take me most of the summer and september, thats the wost case scenario. The best case scenario is mid august or late july! I am now starting to realize that blogging is kinda like talking to yourself, but not well only if no one reads it. But as I have made it pretty clear I do know how many people see my page every week. I didn't set it to daily because weekly is a larger number......its pretty pathetic, I know.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
The honey badger don't care
If you aren't one of the 7,523,974 people who have seen the honey badger video on youtube, WATCH IT! it was funny and factual at the same time, I even dedicated my favebook profile to these marvolous creatures. The video was brought to my attention by ijustine and she recomended it so I checked it out. I have instructed my parents to refer to me as the honey badger and when I speak in third person, I call my self the honey badger. So what's been up with you guys? I know, it has in fact been a while since I've posted but I've been busy. If you want to see te honey badger, with original narration by randall heres the link: http://www.youtube.com/user/czg123#p/c/2A9D6BFCC78EDB71/0/4r7wHMg5Yjg it'll take you straight to the channel of czg123, a mad genius.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Boston bible thumpers, circles in the harbor........MAY, DAMNIT!!!!!!
So yesterday I went to Boston, I made a few videos.....for my youtube channel of course. A tea party enthusiast bible thumping palin jesus worshiper was giving a persentation at Quincy market, and like any other bored person I kept walking and totally ignored him and his donation box. Well god forbid you skip the tea party, I was told I was going to burn in hell. Now being a "kath-eter" or super kathy griffin fan I couldn't resist.....I stare him down and say " you really think that this is going to send me over, I'm a tenage boy....theres alot alreay against me, you ever hear of Kathy Griffin, well through her I've learned that your revisionist history, not aknowledging slavery, palin worshiping is conservitive bull shit!!!!" Yeah, it was a fun trip. After that we really didn't do a lot, we took a boat into the harbor, it was kinda cool yet odly boring, and I have 30 something days left of school. Then Its all summer for me! Until the start of High school........
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